Friday, 6 September 2013



 Hi lovelies !image
I'm updating my blog to tell the world that I'm still alive.Onion Head Emoticons 15Who cares ?!
So, it has been thousands years since my last post. Huh ! My blog is full of dust. xD why you no update your blog!! Onion Head Emoticons 30

Sorry for not updating my blog.Onion Head Emoticons 17 I won't do it again.

So, here's some photos that I took few weeks ago.

Letters to send..

Motivating myself.

Actually, I'm missing someone right now. I really hope to chat with him. :( 

Last week, my mum, lil bro, my cousins & me went to eat Sushi. I was very excited & happy.Onion Head Emoticons 36 I've been craving for Sushi since ages. Finally, I get it.image

We went to Sushi King in 1 Borneo. It was a public holiday (Independent Day 31st of August). So, it was a bit hard to park our car. That really annoy me.Onion Head Emoticons 45 So many cars.

We took some photo. Most of the photo were taken by my cousins. I'm too excited to be a photographer that day.

OMG. Looks like I just wake up. -_-

Lil bro. ;) He's excited too.

The excited lil girl. xD

The cheapest & my favorite. It's only RM 2 for 6.

I love this too. It's tuna. Nyummyy.

I'm not good in using chopstick.

Weirdo.. :3

They're fighting for the last Sushi ! Hahaha! Kidding.. >.<

This photo makes me looks darker. -_-

Mommy is showing off the plate. xD

Trying to eat the ice..

The menu is mouthwatering..


My cousin is teasing me.. I need a smartphone !
My mommy wouldn't buy it for me since I just buy a DSLR Camera. T_T

Oh, they have their happy hour on weekdays except for public holidays.
You can enjoy 20% discount during happy hours.

I love this lamp that look like a lantern. 

Cute fish. I don't like the taste of the Wasabi. It taste like a gas.. @.@

The menu books..

My cousins..


These are our plates..

The bill. It's RM 118 over..
I'm going to Sushi King again after my trip this November/December. Maybe, with my friend Rona@Adie.< B**ch u want to follow me? Onion Head Emoticons 14

That's all. Thank you for reading.Onion Head Emoticons 33

P/S: I'll post something about the Sabah Jamboree..

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