Friday, 17 May 2013


Hi peeps ! :)
Hohoho. It has been a while. I'm busy with exams & choral speaking practice. Huh ! It's tiring. 2 weeks of exam, it's killing me. T__T 2 subjects left. Physics & Additional Mathematics. I'll finish my exam on TUESDAY( 22th May). Yuhuuuu !!! I'll be free again. *clap & jump*

Exam week has been tough for me. >exam why you so bad to me?!< xD  The Biology's question is a bit hard for me. 
P/S: Dear Biology, thanks for giving me headache.
              gwen. xoxo

While answering the questions daydreaming, something visit my mind. It was the ideas for D.I.Y PROJECT. So, I sketch it on my graph paper straight away.
Well, I'm very bad good in drawing. xD You can tell it by looking at the photo.
I never get A in art. =.="

I'll post the D.I.Y on my d.i.y blog @ I'll post it during my 2 weeks holidays. ^__^

Last week, I went to Kota Kinabalu with my family. Having so much fun that day. *saw many handsome boy* xD I only bought a dress & a pair of slipper.

This is the dress ! :D

I love the dress. It has the vintage style. Well, I'm a super big fan of vintage thingy. *proud* Will be doing OOTD post when  I wear it. Wait for it, guys. You will see my slim body. xD muahahaha. *workout*

Pink slipper. Ngeeeee. >.<

I really need a pair of slipper. Because, most of my footwear are heels & shoes. SO, I bought this pinky pinky slipper. Fall for this slipper because of the pencil. >A simple thing can make me fall for something< I'm a naive girl. LOL !

My awesome friend RONA & I are planing to go to the island during our holiday. Julie, you can't join us. :P There're many beautiful island in Sabah. Proud to be SABAHAN ! 
This is the weirdo ! xD 

That's it. Thanks for reading. ^__^ *bow*

1 comment:

  1. wow you are so creative!!!

    goodluck with ur exams :)

    xx Michelle
