Thursday, 5 December 2013


Hi peeps ! 
Nowadays, I fell in love with Garnier's product. It's has been more than a month since I started to use Garnier Lightening product (cream, etc..). I'll do review on it. =)
For today, I'm going to do review on Garnier Lightening Peel Off Mask. I found out about this mask few days ago. I was blogwalking & suddenly I found a review about this mask. The review is kinda interesting. So, I went to Watson & bought it.

This is the mask. :)

Monday, 2 December 2013


Hi lovelies !
It's extremely hot here. I wish I'm at a swimming pool.. enjoying a glass of cold lemon juice.. xD This hot weather is killing me !
Forget about it. Nowadays, I'm obsess with denim vest. It looks very fashionable. But, I wouldn't wear it here. The hot weather is preventing me from wearing it. T_T
Okay, let me share with you some of the photo that I took from Google. I love most of it. Someday, I'm going to wear this denim vest. Maybe on rainy day.

Sunday, 1 December 2013

End of November Haul

Hi peeps !
I just came back from my grandparent's house. Huh ! I'm tired. T_T But, I still enjoyed it. I went shopping alone & I have a lot of fund fun.
There were PC Fair in 1 Borneo (29 November - 1 December). We went there on the first & second day. We only bought a printer. It's kinda cheap (RM 99).
I walked alone. I don't really feel like following my mum that day. So, here's the thing that I bought.

I love shopping ! xD