Saturday, 20 July 2013


Now I know how to make your cat looks cute. xD But, I still don't like cat. =,="
Hi Pretty !Onion Head Emoticons 16
Last Friday, was my lucky unlucky day. Hahaha ! I call it lucky unlucky day, because I was having the worst day at school. Then, when I came home, something was there, waiting for me.Onion Head Emoticons 36 It really cheer me up !

Tuesday, 9 July 2013

CLEAN & CLEAR Deep Action Daily Pore Cleanser Review

Captured by: Lil bro
So, today I decided to escape from school for a day.  Well, school is very tiring, nowadays. It's killing me !Onion Head Emoticons 38 Upper form is totally different from lower form. Especially, when you're in Science's class.

Saturday, 6 July 2013


Hi lovelies ! 
Updating my blog before doing my homework. kekeke. Physic..Physic.. You're killing me..
Last week, I forgot to bring my homework. Because of that, my teacher caned my hand. Pity of me.imageYea, I know. It's my fault. Hahahaha ! (❁ ◠ ﹏ ◠) Forgive me, sir. image
So, let just forget about it & think about something that makes you happy.Cheer up !image

Having fun with my buddies during sport's day.

 Lately, I've been in love with shoe. Well, I've been a fan of shoe since ages. Shoe come to mama.  Today, I'm going to show you my shoes collection. I don't have many collection. Day by day, I'll grow my collection. Muahahahahahaha !

Wednesday, 3 July 2013


Hi peeps ! ;)
So, it's JULY ! Tomorrow will be my love birthday (4th JULY). xD Okay. Just stop it, Gwen ! Hahaha !
I've been in love with PHOTOGRAPHING since I was young. My love towards photographing is getting bigger and bigger. :) You know what, I love my ARCHIE (CANON EOS 650) more than anything else. But for sure it's lesser than my love towards my family. ^_^
I'm just a beginner in this field. You'll know it when you see the photo that I took. But, it's never too late to learn, right ?
Few weeks ago, I tried my skill in photographing. My aunty was my model. xD She's very photogenic. :D Actually, I snap a lot of photo. But, only a few came out to be nice. Hahahahaha !